In exchange for getting a first look at whatever writing I do in November (twist my arm, twist my arm!), a friend and arts lover has offered to let me spend a long weekend in a bungalow in Ocean Beach in San Diego. It’s two blocks from the water and I’m hoping to work...
Continue readingAuthor: Max Langert
Loretta’s Office
Work continues slowly but surely on the Napervillains project. Jen and Ryan are doing initial work on a series of webisodes (is that still a thing?) that will be rolled out one at a time once all the animation is complete. Ryan has created Loretta’s desk and office space here (Loretta is the manager...
Continue readingGoals for the Next 12 Months
There’s a lot I’d love to do and get done over the next year or so. So much so that I think it’d be helpful to make a list and see if I’ll end up double-booking and tripping over myself. A couple of quick caveats: My old boss used to make yearly goals for...
Continue readingCouple of August Happenings
Oh hi, YES, that whole Ireland thing worked out great, thanks for asking! My left knee was sore for a couple of days after I was done but it’s mostly recovered now. And I got to spend a couple of days in Rathnew, south of Dublin, with my old boss from like twenty years...
Continue readingThe Great Zoo Switcheroo
Heya, happy July! Just signed another contract for the fall to have this play that I co-wrote with Tim at Express Theatre run in the fall. Contracts: they make me feel all business-y and pro-ish! Anyway, this one opens on Thursday, July 21st and will hopefully run again in September and October. Can’t...
Continue readingEvents this Week
A bunch of activity this week. Bullet list cuz, you know, it’s late and I’d like to read a little before I go to bed: SODA MACHINE reading on Tuesday: thought it went well but not as extraordinarily brilliantly as I would have liked. I’m mulling next steps. I’d really love to produce an...
Continue readingSoda Machine: the final design
Here it is, Ryan’s final design. I think it’s beautiful and tasteful. As I told him, now I just need to make sure the play itself lives up to the image. Come on out on June 14th at 7pm. I’m bringing wine and guacamole. What have you got to lose? (except your time, dignity...
Continue readingGraphic Draft Options for Soda Machine
So there’s this really nice guy Ryan who I just got introduced to who’s working on beefing up his graphic design portfolio. I knew he was looking for things to work on, and I asked him if he wanted to come up with something for the June play reading. He came up with these...
Continue readingNew Play Reading in June
All right, I’m biting the bullet and just doing it. Have begun scheduling a reading for a new play-in-progress, SODA MACHINE, which was born out of another draft that wasn’t going where I wanted it to called THE POD. The idea for this play (which involves time travel and soda-drinking) came from a discussion...
Continue readingStory Department
Had a really nice time last week doing Austin Bat Cave’s Story Department show for the first time. When I got there the place was much more crowded than I expected, which threw me off balance a little. But then everyone was really nice and welcoming and casual. An intimate and nice space. I...
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