I went to a board meeting for the lovely and wonderful Vela Families. This is a sort of probationary measure (a couple of board meetings) to decide if being on their board is something we wall want. They’re a great organization, but I have bandwidth considerations to be wary of. More on that later.
When I got to the meeting, they’d made this nametag for me. Buttering me up, obviously. Am I really all those things? I don’t know.
(And is it Storyteller or Story Teller? Hmm)
Anyway, here are some upcoming things that sorta fit into those categories:
Oh hey, I got a grant from ScriptWorks to rework my play Rebecca’s Hope Chest. It might be called something else by the time I re-finish it. But I’ve got a tentative reading of it slated for Sunday November 17th at Hyde Park Theatre with some great actors if you feel like swinging by.
Oh my goodness, I’m teaching a high school class in a few days! Aak! I don’t know everything I’m going to do for it, but I did jot down some notes for an outline. Here it is:
- Intro: ask about the class’s current focus (how much writing vs. performing?)
- Bio
- Writing plays first
- Experience with difficult actors creating stress and anxiety
- Traveling work presentations, noting:
- When I bored people
- When I noticed their eyes light up
- First story a presentation for FronteraFest about kids
- Then LTYM
- Then Testify
- What makes a good story
- Start with a significant moment (e.g., falling off a bridge in NYC)
- Then what?
- What led up to the fall?
- Ex-girlfriend’s party
- Her new bf a billionaire
- What followed the fall?
- Friends not noticing I fell off the bridge
- Friends not noticing I didn’t make it home
- Becomes a story not just of falling, but of loneliness, of isolation
- Start with a significant moment (e.g., falling off a bridge in NYC)
- Tell Hollywood story
- Discuss scary stories (current focus of class)
- Q&A
We’re helping out with Rita Anderson’s Saint Somebody which runs November 14th through December 1st. We’re playing a sidelined role, but looking forward to helping out as much as possible and seeing how it is to work with the Trinity Theatre downtown.
More on that soon too.
That’s all I’ve got.
BUT excited about all these things in different ways. Drop me a line and ask me how the high school class went next week if you feel like it!
[…] right, I taught a high school class! (and I’ve got this creepy Want Ad photo to prove […]