This isn’t nearly as impressive as I feel like it should be, but I’ve had moments of excitement imagining what it’d be like to have long hair over the last several months. I still haven’t been able to replicate where I was at age 4, but you never know. It’s getting old, but I’ll...
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Quick Fringe Brainstorm
Guess I must be feeling optimistic about the year ahead. Here are some ideas about what to put on for the next FronteraFest (a year from now?): Snatch and Release: This is a script I already have, and intended to feature at a variety show last summer, about a punk band that has to...
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That’s right, another decimal-place-laden post. This was the goal for mid-December. It was difficult and tiring – but satisfying too. Planning for the half marathon at year’s end. Then maybe I’ll take it down a notch....
Day-Job Brag
While I wait for the old ship to come in with creative projects (bestsellers, Oscars, Tonys, Emmys, etc.), it’s nice to know that the daily 9-to-5er isn’t all in vain either. I got nominated for a year-end award for my day job. Posting it here as a reference and affirmation if/when I need it....
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I ran 9.1* miles last week. That’s more than I’ve gone in about nine months. Wasn’t exactly a speed demon about it, but maybe that half-marathon is within reach again. Will see if I can get to 10 before too long here. * man, who tracks their mileage to the decimal place? how embarrassing… ...
A Few Goals Through Winter 2021
It’s been a while since I’ve been in here, and there’s been a lot going on in the world (obvi), but I wanted to get down some goals and try to hold myself accountable to them over the next several months. Here they are, in chronological order: Write a new experimental short play for...
Continue readingStories Found Podcast
Honored to be featured on Episode #2 of the fine, new, entertaining podcast Stories Found. The story I tell (I can’t quite make myself type the name of it here for some reason) is actually one I originally wrote 20 years ago. I remember sending it to a highfalutin literary journal at the time....
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It’s been a year since I got to wear a special bracelet, and I’ve had a number of physical ups and downs since then. Early on, I seemed to make a quick, strong recovery. But then odd pains and side effects showed up in the new year. Seems I’m not quite as impervious to...
Continue readingBridging the Digital Divide (sorta)
One sort of unexpected development out of all this Covid business is that it’s inspired me to help get my dad and sister up on some kind of platform that allows for video calls. My dad just got an iPad a few months ago. It’s been an occasional struggle to get it to behave....
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TEXAS HEAT ADVISORY (an online reading) by Max Langert Thursday, July 16th @8:00pm Central It’s about family, it’s about politics, it’s about your neighbor’s missing cat. And it all takes place during a state-imposed lockdown on the hottest July on record. Featuring the vocal talents of Lana Dieterich, David DuBose, Christi Moore and Laura...
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