I had a tech rehearsal for a play by my friend Michael Michaelian yesterday at the spanking new Ground Floor Theatre. I’m running a series of visuals (slides) for him during the course of the show. I took a cool photo of the space from the tech booth on my phone but then my...
Continue readingAuthor: Max Langert
Is This Gonna Work?
Trying something new for FronteraFest this year. Had this crazy idea to do a musical with a trombone and a bear suit. I now own both these things. We’ve had a couple of rehearsals so far, and this musical business is a bit tougher than I imagined. But I feel pretty good it’s gonna...
Continue readingLooking Down
So yeah, had a fun night on Friday at Testify. Met some cool people and felt happy about getting onstage and all that. At the bar afterward, a friend mentioned that I seemed comfortable but I looked down at the ground a lot. He wondered if it was something I did while I was...
Continue readingStorytelling / Fling / Fringe / New Theater
Oh man, I’ve been so bad about posting updates. What’s wrong with me? It’s almost like I don’t have anything to say! But wait! A few quick notes for now: 1) I’m performing at Testify again at this end of this month (and I’ll need to update my list of Works with the new...
Continue readingOh, and my Map
Speaking of PARK(ing) Day 2014 (that’s not awkward to type or anything), since I didn’t perform, I walked around a bit and got to this map exchange booth helmed by Austin’s Atlas. They were giving away maps of odd places you might not notice downtown. To get one of these maps you had to...
Continue readingGoing Mobile (maybe)
So this past Friday I had the opportunity to give a performance downtown as part of PARK(ing) Day 2014 in Austin. I decided that I would revive a piece I put on at FronteraFest a few years ago about a guy who’s desperately trying to find a job and is trying to convince the...
Continue readingOne Minute Play Festival–rehearsal and meet & greet
Went to a rehearsal for the #1MPF on Saturday. Saw 10 of the 70+ plays that are going up this weekend. It was a lot of fun. Mysterious, quirky, fast, occasionally poignant, lively and silly. Can you ask for anything more? You can. You can ask for romance. I didn’t see that. Anyway, I...
Continue readingUrinetown Anticipation
Man, I’ve been reading and hearing about Urinetown for so long, and been so curious about it, that I can’t believe I’m finally seeing it. This weekend. I used to read the ‘zine that Ayun Halliday (she’s married to Greg Kotis who wrote the book for Urinetown) wrote, called East Village Inky. She would sometimes...
Continue readingOne Minute Play Festival
Oh yeah, so I’m part of this festival at the end of August: http://www.oneminuteplayfestival.com/ I’ll be doing the Austin version as outlined here: https://www.facebook.com/events/338185926329812/ I wrote a couple of short pieces–or “moments”–that were fun to do. This whole one-minute play thing is under-rated. Cut to the chase quick! One piece is called Activists about a bunch...
Continue readingSo how’d that reading go for you?
Good question. Had a bunch of people over, commissioned a great sign from my friend Doug, had snacks and beer and wine. A bit of a party. I was happy with it, thought the play was well received, was really flattered that the actors I wanted to read could all make it. So now...
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