
I’m almost embarrassed (though, really, kinda proud) to say I’ve seen this wonderful movie three times IN THE THEATER over the past month. Once by myself, once with my boss and his wife, and once (tonight) with my teenage son. The pacing, the writing, the chemistry, the comedy is all top-notch. It’s a laugh-fest...

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Cul de Sac play poster


CUL-DE-SAC by John Cariani opens Sunday, July 21st at Hyde Park Theatre Tickets available HERE. (discounts for teachers and students) All is not quite what it seems for three couples living on the same suburban cul-de-sac. The Jones’ seem to be all that the other couples ever wanted to be. This is a shocking...

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Samya Rose Stumo

Samya Rose Stumo, the niece of an old classmate of mine who moved to Austin a few years ago, died on the infamous Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 (the second Boeing 737 crash within five months). This GoFundMe page has been set up to create an initiative for young leaders like Samya to improve healthcare...

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I’ve been listening to the radio show On Being occasionally for years now. For a long time in Austin it was on really early, from 6am-7am Sunday mornings, I think. This coincided with runs I went on with my friend Dave every other week. So the radio would come on to wake me up,...

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Rookie of the Year?

I found out last week I’d been nominated as Rookie of the Year for my new softball league. Which isn’t something you expect to hear when you’re deep into your late-late-late-30s, but it’s a real honor and I’m excited to tell my middle-school MVP son about it. In other related news, our softball team...

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