Vancouver and Hollywood

Couple of quick hits:

1) I’ve been invited to participate in the Vancouver Story Slam on June 8th. This will be remote (unfortunately?) but I’m looking forward to it and am getting a story together for it now.

2) Been working on an old manuscript called Nine Days Behind the Hollywood Sign, and received encouragement from a well-respected editor I sent it to. This weekend he wrote:

Nine Days is excellent. I loved it. One of the weirdest, darkest, funniest books I’ve read in a long while, published or not. It needs a little work, but I’m thinking you should most definitely seek representation and publication.

All I need is a little encouragement 😊 so will be focusing on this for a while and seeing what I can do. Would love to get this story out there for various reasons (which I will reveal later!). Working, working…

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