Hey friends! Long time no typing. Going to bullet-point some updates here so I don’t have to wallow too long in various disappointments.
Here we go…
- We scheduled a World Series benefit show for August 25th at Ground Floor Theatre
- GFT had to bump us because they pushed their next production back a week and needed the space that night for a dress rehearsal
- Then we were able to get the outdoor stage at The Vortex to use
- Then we decided to cancel once we got a sense from performers and audience members that there was a nervousness in attending due to the delta variant
- But the World Weries is on and we’ve raised most of the money the team needs through other means (hurray!)
About that World Series…
- It’s happening in Columbus next week
- Per my promised stat update in April, I batted about .420 (4/20!) for the season, which is respectable if not brilliant
- However, to get to the series we had to come back in the final game of the tournament…
- … We were down 10-9 with 2 outs in the last inning and runners on 1st and 2nd…
- … I was up to bat and took the first pitch, kinda hoping to get walked…
- … It was a strike so I decided to go for it…
- … I was able to clock the next pitch over the right fielder’s head for a triple…
- We won the game
- So that feels good
- Was it the most memorable and exciting moment of my life? Definitely top 20 or 30
So there you go. Oh, my son took this picture. I asked him how he thought I looked. He said “It’s hard to look good in that shirt.”

All right, more updates to come…