Hot dang. Wonderful graphic artist Ryan has come up with these draft concepts for a Pong: the Musical poster. I’m kinda partial to C and E initially, but I like ’em all. What do you think? Hmm…....
Author: Max Langert
My Slow Descent into Madness
Somewhere over California, I began to have this sinking feeling. Or rather this falling feeling. My fear of heights kicked in and I felt for sure we’d be plummeting soon. I recently had a terrible dream where I was giving my son a driving lesson and he took a wide turn on a mile-high...
Continue readingGoing to a Town
This song by Rufus Wainright destroys me. (best listened to with headphones and no visuals; been haunting me for years)...
Kitchen Cabinet?
Well, I find out in a week if this is happening. Had an informal chat with my buddy tonight, and he asked me to be on his kitchen cabinet as an adviser: The Kitchen Cabinet was a term used by political opponents of President of the United States Andrew Jackson to describe his ginger...
Continue readingLiveblogging Night Two of 14/48 (2017)
Back in the game. Got my randomly assigned slot #, actor quantity and theme: Second piece tomorrow night Write for four actors Theme is Witches Is that a theme? I guess it is. We were asked to try to use it metaphorically because seven plays in a row about witches could leave the audience...
Continue readingCollaboration with the Kiddos
Been spending a good chunk of time this weekend partnering with the boys on music for the big climactic song for this year’s FronteraFest entry. They’re using the software Ableton Live to create tracks and beats to fit the overall feel of the script. I don’t know that it’s going to be the most...
Continue readingProcessing Gibberish
It’s been over a week since the play closed, and I’ve had a lot to think about and discuss with people. As far as official critical response goes, we got a great review, a really good review, and a not-so-great review. I’ve also had another theater in upstate New York ask to see the...
Continue readingThree days till we open
Had a chance to stop by the theater tonight. This one’s coming down to the wire. Still some challenges left, and plenty of work to do in the next 48 hours, but lots of great stuff too. This is the cast going over notes with Lisa and Jen after the tech run-through, with the...
Continue readingPotatoes next??
I have this long-running joke with my kids about squid and potatoes. It’s not even a joke. It’s just that I’ve been talking about squid and potatoes forever. Why? I don’t know. They’re funny words together, I guess, and it’s always good to have a default response to a silly question. That’s part of...
Continue readingRevisiting The Yellow Wallpaper
There’s a line early on in Gibberish Mostly which references The Yellow Wallpaper. Most in the cast weren’t familiar with this story by Charlotte Perkins Stetson. I can’t believe it was written in 1892. Still feels remarkably timely and relevant, as sad as that is to say. It’s a wonderful, subversive, terrifying piece of...
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