Now that my back is healing up (I owe an update on that) and bicycling is particularly recommended as a low-impact exercise, I’m dreaming of Ireland (again). Not sure why I have such a strong urge to visit that place (well, yes, I do: weather, accent, creativity, literature, the color green). A family over...
Continue readingAuthor: Max Langert
KC or Bust Sells Out
This show happened on August 27th and it sold out. But not in the super exciting way it sounds. It was one of those things where the last couple of people came in the door RIGHT as we were about to start and they barely filled up the last two available spots. Still, a...
Continue readingThe Great Heartrate Experiment
Okay, so maybe “great” is too strong a word (except that it’s pretty significant for me, personally) but as I recover from this thing, I’ve had to scale back my usual activities for an extended period of time. And since I’ve got this Fitbit now which tracks sleeping and heartrate patterns, I’ve been watching...
Continue readingKansas City or Bust Benefit Images
A couple of shots from our successful August 27th event, sending the Austin Ball’rz up to Kansas City for the World Series of Softball: ...
Kansas City or Bust!
Tickets and reservations HERE. A comedy benefit starring Jomo & The Possum Posse; Cami & Zach; Jasmine Ellis and Angela Martin. Also featuring a premier reading of a short comedy by Max Langert, SUNDAY SLUGG’RZ, with all-star actors Roxy Becker, Lana Dieterich, David DuBose, Doug Greco and Garry Peters All proceeds will go to help...
Continue readingAll Risk, No Action
Okay, I’m alive! It wasn’t NO big deal, and I have lots of thoughts about the process – which I hope I never forget or minimize. But less than a week later, I feel good again. Energy’s back, not taking any crazy meds, and feel better. So… thumbs up. This is a FALL RISK...
Continue readingFragility
Tomorrow I’m going in for a procedure I didn’t see coming, and wish I didn’t have to do. It feels like a test somehow, like pushing back against all the anxiety and the resistance to medical attention I saw in my mother. It’s low-risk, but it’s not no-risk, and I’m struggling with it off...
Continue readingThree Upcoming Semi-Events
Why are they semi-events? Oh, different reasons, I guess. One’s not really an event yet, but there’s potential; one’s an event but it’s not really something to crow about; and the other may or may not happen. In no particular order: 1) Tuesday, August 27th: I told my softball buddies that I’d put on...
Continue readingCul-de-Sac at HPT this week
Just a real quick shout-out. We did kind of a barebones partnership with a teacher-run theater group this summer. Somehow all the pieces worked out and they’re doing a trial run at Hyde Park Theatre opening Sunday night. Here’s the Chronicle listing. A bit awkwardly phrased but… it looks legit! I’ll be bar-tending and...
Continue readingOde to Ricky Henderson
Saw Toy Story 4 over the weekend with both kiddos. We were sitting there minding our own business, sucking down some bottomless popcorn and enjoying the pretty-well-crafted plot, when this scene pops up. I was like “A’s hat!” and then the Alamo Drafthouse staff came over and told me to leave. Not really. I...
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