So far, things are basically on track. Two days to go. Let’s see…
- Discussion on KOOP went pretty well (and met some other cool artist types doing stuff for E.A.S.T); including Greg Davis who talked about the Thornton Road Studios and how they’re on the ropes
- There’s been very little drama in general
- Everyone involved seems game and responsible and ready-to-go
- Gotta remember:
- Programs
- Tentacle guessing game at intermission to win Hops & Grain merch
- Jen’s bicycle cart and baked good freebies at intermission
- Guest list
- Soup Peddler coupons with entry
- Dr. Becker is handling the transactions in the art gallery (setup and hanging on Sunday went well) (see below)
- Squid hats already at the theater
- Jenn is putting together mini-squid with info cards about Autism Society and squid (duh)
- I still need to figure out where people are going to sit/be when not onstage
- There are still some transition-y joke-y things to work through
- Final stage placement and sound checks, etc., still to come
- There have been a fair number of tickets sold and we’re approaching my mental threshold for successful attendance
- The weather looks like it’ll be decent
- A group of people is meeting at Hops & Grain before the show to hopefully get inebriated and support a sponsor
So… it seems like everything’s going well. The only thing I can’t really control is the actual entertainment itself, and that’s blissfully out of my hands.
Rehearsal tonight, tech tomorrow, then show thing, then stick a fork in it.