Short Fringe on January 13th

Reasons cartoon dependable

Going back to my bread and butter this year, doing a self-deprecating projector/screen piece about relationships, trying to convince someone in the audience to stick with me, despite my numerous flaws.

There’s a twist (or two or three!) at the end, which I’m hoping goes over well.

I name-check a friend who recently successfully argued in front of the Supreme Court.  I thought he’d be in the audience too, but he may not be able to make it after all.  (I also hoped GG would make a brief appearance but that now seems unlikely as well.)*

I’m taking the whole thing pretty lightly so far, not sure if it’s cuz it’s old hat or because I don’t care as much as I used to (or a combination of these things).  But I’m sure I’ll start to freak out and get butterflies starting next weekend.  I’m going to try the thing out in front of the kids again and see if I can get a take on it.

{a couple of notes for next year:

  • I’m still interested in some kind of neighborhood listserv piece; the potential there never dies
  • Also considering updating the first piece I ever did for the fringe: Fugue for Five Waiters; could be fun to do again with some new people
  • And I’m having some vague ideas about bicycle-oriented stories (including the weird thing where my bike ended up wrapped around a Car2Go pole, and the recent note I got with the accusation that I hit someone on her bike; we’ll see; plus I realized I’ve been biking to work now for twenty years or something crazy; maybe???)}

* oh yeah, and my dad is coming next week again too; crap, gotta wash the sheets!


  1. TimJanuary 5, 2016

    I’d LOVE to try merge some of this interactive tech I’ve been building with a neighborhood listserv play… I want to do some sort of city planning/neighborhood piece soooo badly.

    1. maxlangertJanuary 5, 2016

      Tim! I’d love to work on something like that! are you talking about interactive tech like what you did with Deus ex Machina? Audience members vote or suggest or otherwise from their phones, for example? Short? Long? Open mind? It’s a rich vein; everyone I mention the idea to loves it.


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