The fine folks at Punchkin Repertory Theatre asked me in the summer if they could put this show on during the FronteraFest Long Fringe. I was thrilled that they asked and excited to see this play (which is challenging and particularly open-ended) come up on its feet.
There was challenge after challenge (not enough space in the Long Fringe when we applied; a backup space that took our down payment money and ran; freezing cold weather in an unheated warehouse during the final week of rehearsals) and I worried that the piece, difficult enough as it is with choppy dialogue, wouldn’t be ready.
But we had a great run with over-capacity crowds the last couple of nights. I’m so pleased that it got off the ground and got so many people talking. PLUS I have another poster to go on my wall; hooray!!
(some historical information about the play available at least temporarily here)
(oh, and a swell, thoughtful review of the show here; summary tweet by @ALTcom says: Langert’s Relentless Pursuit of Ice. A fearful future where the heart’s vulnerable to temptation.)