Getting the Band back Together
Double zing! Caught up with The Mole in Vermont, first time we’ve seen each other about 20 (zoikes) years. The beer still tasted good, the conversation was easy, and we planned out our reunion album and tour to kick off next summer. I just gotta limber up and work on my paradiddles. Great people,...
Continue readingMade it to the Bridge!
Zing! Brooklyn, baby!!...
I’ve been listening to the radio show On Being occasionally for years now. For a long time in Austin it was on really early, from 6am-7am Sunday mornings, I think. This coincided with runs I went on with my friend Dave every other week. So the radio would come on to wake me up,...
Continue readingRookie of the Year?
I found out last week I’d been nominated as Rookie of the Year for my new softball league. Which isn’t something you expect to hear when you’re deep into your late-late-late-30s, but it’s a real honor and I’m excited to tell my middle-school MVP son about it. In other related news, our softball team...
Continue readingRebecca’s Hope Chest (reading) on May 19th
So I’ve got this one-act (60-70 minutes) comedy I’ve been sitting on for a while, and ScriptWorks is going to host a reading of it with some wonderful actors on Sunday, May 19th, at 6:30pm at Hyde Park Theatre. It’s free, open to the public, there will be wine and snacks, AND the piece...
Continue readingGliders Poster Drafts
Been helping to co-produce a new work at Trinity Theatre with local writer Rita Anderson. The piece, GLIDERS, is about three generations of women who begin to uncover family secrets right as the Apollo 11 mission to the moon is making headlines in 1969. The timing for the production coincides with the 50th anniversary...
Continue readingUltimate Encouragement
My kid had a short season of Ultimate Frisbee this past month, following his first breathless season of middle school basketball. I played some Ultimate in college so have a taste for the game and its relatively easy-going nature. Still, seeing that at the end every game all the kids get in a circle...
Continue readingOut of Ink Next Two Weekends (innards edition!)
My kids and I attended the preview for the latest installment of Out of Ink last night and had a great time. My piece (EMPOWERMENT) is sort of a horror office comedy and I really like it a lot, though there have been some technical challenges along the way, so I was really interested...
Continue readingEvening of Light final draft?
This is the poster. I think it looks great. Still have to get some infrastructure things in place behind it (website, ticket site, fb event, postering around town) but…. are we ready to sign off? If you see anything glaringly weird or questionable, hit me up!...