I’ve been working with Lisa (director at Ground Floor Theatre) on updates to the script for Gibberish Mostly, and it’s been a lot of work. I’ve always kind of hated rewriting things (I remember in college making a deal with a professor of Creative Writing that I’d just write MORE short stories instead of rewriting one or two again and again (he never should have agreed to that)).
Now I have more at stake. Knowing that the production is going to be out there in public in a few weeks, I want it to look and sound and feel as good as it can. So a lot of that is on me. Things that don’t work well, plot-wise, need to be tightened. Language that sounds stiff needs to be smoothed out.
This piece is tough for me because of its seriousness. I really have no idea how it’s going to go over. I imagine that some people will really like it while others may feel it’s a bit trite or heavy-handed or something. I don’t know. Also, we just discovered a plot hole that’s taken a lot of time to try and rework.
Trying not to worry about it all too much at this point (I’m just excited it’s happening) but I’ve spent at least a few nights now where I’m toiling over a scene and find that I’ve fallen asleep with the script on my chest.
I’m tired. But it’s rewarding too.
But I’m tired.
(halfway-smiley thingie)