Nine Days Rebirth?

This old story of mine has had quite a journey over the years, and it got a boost a couple of years ago as a local author began championing it for me, trying to help me find a home for it. 

That didn’t end up working out (at least as of this writing) but I recently pitched it to a couple of storytelling shows and it looks like I might be able to tell it on one that has a pretty wide audience. I should have more info on that before the end of the year. There’s also another live show in San Francisco that’s expressed interest, and they’re supposed to be getting back to me soon.

Who knows, but if I’m able to get a broader audience for it, I might see about just giving the script away if people want to read it. Or something. 

Anyway, just something that’s been simmering on a backburner. Hope to have an update before long.

(I should update the page I have for it too, and clean it up a bit; maybe I’ll do that this week…)

UPDATE: okay, the page for the manuscript is updated!

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