This show happened on August 27th and it sold out. But not in the super exciting way it sounds. It was one of those things where the last couple of people came in the door RIGHT as we were about to start and they barely filled up the last two available spots.
Still, a sellout’s a sellout, and I’ll take it. However, a reminder to myself is this: I had to scratch and claw and be way more obnoxious than I’m comfortable being to get the theater full. Definitely need a break from Marketing Overload for a while.
All that said, I think it was the best event we’ve done in terms of end-to-end quality and timing. It was streamlined and funny and mostly went off without a hitch. AND we raised a bunch of money for the team to go to the World Series (they’re there now, without me ☹). People drank a LOT of beer and wine and Ipsicles (thanks, sponsor!) which raised a ton of cash. I should have known the softball crowd would be chugging beers the whole night.
And the day after the reading of Sunday Slugg’rz (pictured), 4 of the 5 actors asked if we could do it at FronteraFest this winter, so… that’s happening now too.
Anyway, a great event. I feel happy and satisfied about it. And yet I still remember the anxiety leading up to it. And the jury’s out about when and if I’ll want to do it again…