Introversion, Meet Extroversion

cowering in cornerI’m totally not cut out for this publicity stuff.  Not sure I can really handle it.  I just feel like I’m forcefully yanking some completely reluctant animal from my insides and forcing it to stand in front of the world and create a positive, upbeat, convincing sales pitch.

And meanwhile my actual self is cowering in the corner and waiting for the whole thing to be over.

Is that too negative?

There’s got to be some point to it all.  Maybe it’s just to get through it?

The VP of HR at a company I used to work for once said to me, “I try to do one thing every single day that absolutely terrifies me to death.”

At the time I remember thinking that that was pretty admirable.  Forcing yourself to do something super scary in an attempt to create growth and see what you’re capable of?  So brave.

But every single day?  Good Lord.  Wouldn’t you run out of things that scared you to death after a while?  And then you’d end up needing to create terrifying situations: I know, I’ll show up to work naked!  What if I ride a unicycle into heavy traffic?  How about if I tell people I’m related to Ringo Starr and then try to join a Rolling Stones cover band?

I know that’s not he meant exactly, but seriously.  Maybe I should note that he left the company not too long after he made that statement.  Maybe that was his terrifying thing for the day: quitting.

So anyway, yeah, let’s see how this whole thing pans out.  But then it’s on to December and beyond.  Hello, 2016!

Take a deep breath, dude.  And another…

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